帮我写一篇英语作文!题目是I'm different from what I was two years ago.

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I'm different from what I was two years ago的意思是我不同于两年前。


一、英语作文 篇一


I'm different from what I was two years ago. Two years ago, I was a shy and introverted person who lacked self-confidence. I was afraid to speak up in public and always worried about what others thought of me.

However, over the past two years, I have worked hard to improve myself. I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone and taken on new challenges that have helped me grow as a person. I have become more confident in myself and my abilities, and I am no longer afraid to express my thoughts and opinions.

In addition, I have also become more open-minded and accepting of different ideas and perspectives. I have learned to appreciate diversity and to embrace the differences that make us unique.

Overall, I am proud of the person I have become over the past two years. Although there is still much more that I want to achieve, I am excited for the future and all of the opportunities that are waiting for me.


1. introverted (形容词) - 内向的,性格内向的

例句:She is very introverted and doesn't like to socialize.


2. self-confidence (名词) - 自信,自信心

例句:He has a lot of self-confidence and is not afraid to speak his mind.


3. out of my comfort zone - 走出舒适区,接受新的挑战

例句:I decided to try something new and step out of my comfort zone.


4. open-minded (形容词) - 思想开放的,思想不保守的

例句:She has an open-minded attitude towards different cultures.


5. appreciate (动词) - 欣赏,理解,重视

例句:I really appreciate your help with this project.







二、英语作文 篇二


I'm different from what I was two years ago. Back then, I was an insecure and hesitant person who was afraid to take risks or try new things. But over the past two years, I've worked hard to improve myself and step out of my comfort zone. Now, I am more confident in myself and my abilities, and I embrace new challenges with enthusiasm. I am proud of the progress I've made and excited for all the future holds.


1. insecure (形容词) - 不安全的,缺乏信心的

例句:Her insecurities made it difficult for her to socialize.


2. hesitant (形容词) - 犹豫的,不确定的

例句:He was hesitant to speak up in the meeting.


3. embrace (动词) - 拥抱,欣然接受

例句:She embraced the opportunity to travel abroad and learn about new cultures.


4. progress (名词) - 进步,发展

例句:I am proud of the progress I've made in my language studies.


5. enthusiasm (名词) - 热情,热忱

例句:Her enthusiasm for the project was contagious and motivated others to work harder.




三、英语作文 篇三


I'm different from what I was two years ago. Back then, I was a person who lacked self-confidence and was afraid of taking risks. However, over the past two years, I've pushed myself out of my comfort zone, challenged myself to try new things, and developed a growth mindset. Now, I'm more open-minded, resilient, and confident in myself and my abilities. Though it wasn't easy, I'm proud of the progress I've made and excited for what the future holds.


1. self-confidence (名词) - 自信心,自信

例句:She has a lot of self-confidence and is not afraid to speak her mind.


2. open-minded (形容词) - 开明的,思想开放的

例句:Being open-minded allows you to consider different perspectives and ideas.


3. resilient (形容词) - 有弹性的,适应力强的

例句:Resilient people are able to bounce back from setbacks and challenges.




I am a girl(boy),in the past two years ,I think have changed a lot.Two years ago,I made my
hair cut,but now,I have long straight hair.I looks more beautiful than before.And I was shy before,but now,I enjoy talking with my classmates and even play jokes on friends.I have learn to play the piano for two years,but I like painting now.Two years ago,I was shorter than now.
I am intersted in taking photos mow,but you knowI like running before.I am different from before.

I'm Different from What I Was Two Years Ago
Two years ago, I was a completely different person. I had different priorities, interests, and perspectives on life. Here are some of the ways I've changed:
1. Improved Confidence: Two years ago, I lacked self-confidence and was afraid of trying new things. Now, I've learned to face my fears and challenge myself to step outside my comfort zone.
2. Changed Interests: Back then, I had little interest in sports or physical activity. But now, I enjoy staying active through running and yoga.
3. Improved Social Skills: I used to struggle with social anxiety and found it challenging to connect with people. However, with practice and effort, I've become better at starting conversations and building relationships.
4. Greater Empathy: I've learned to put myself in others' shoes and show more empathy and compassion towards those around me.
5. Improved Time Management: I used to procrastinate a lot, but now I'm better at managing my time and being productive.
6. Greater Sense of Purpose: Two years ago, I felt lost and lacked direction. Now, I have a clearer sense of my goals and aspirations.
In conclusion, I'm different from what I was two years ago. I've grown and developed in many ways, and I'm excited to see what other changes the future will bring.

I'm different from what I was two years ago

Two years have passed, and looking back at my past self, I realize how much I have changed. The person I am today is distinctly different from the person I was two years ago. These changes have shaped me into a better version of myself, both personally and academically.

Firstly, two years ago, I was more reserved and hesitant in expressing myself. I lacked self-confidence and often shied away from taking risks. However, as time went by, I gradually learned to step out of my comfort zone. I started participating in extracurricular activities, joining clubs, and engaging in public speaking events. Through these experiences, I gained confidence in expressing my thoughts and opinions. Now, I am more vocal and assertive, not afraid to voice my ideas or tackle new challenges.

Moreover, my academic growth has been remarkable over the past two years. I used to struggle with time management and had difficulty staying focused on my studies. However, I realized the importance of discipline and organization in achieving my goals. I developed effective study habits, such as creating schedules, setting realistic targets, and prioritizing tasks. As a result, my grades significantly improved, and I became more motivated to excel academically. I also developed a thirst for knowledge and began exploring subjects beyond the curriculum, broadening my horizons.

Furthermore, my perspective on life has evolved significantly. Two years ago, I had a limited worldview and was inclined to judge others based on superficial aspects. However, as I grew older, I started appreciating diversity and embracing different cultures, ideas, and perspectives. I actively sought opportunities to learn from people with diverse backgrounds and engaged in discussions that challenged my preconceived notions. This open-mindedness has enriched my life and allowed me to become more accepting and empathetic towards others.

In conclusion, the person I am today is a testament to the growth and development I have undergone over the past two years. I have become more confident, academically focused, and open-minded. These changes have not only impacted my personal life but have also influenced the way I interact with others. As I continue on this journey of self-improvement, I eagerly look forward to the person I will become in the years to come.

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