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if i were a principal (一般指中学校长),I would make a dicision to improve the quality of dining hall's food.Because the food there is really not so delicious,sometimes even worse.for example,you might eat a hair during the meal.It is not good for students' body.In addition,I am going to have more books entered our school,and get rid of those ridiculous(可笑的) rules.



I shall make plans for more buildings and facilities to serve the students. This is important because now students are complaining about and suffering from the insufficient resources--both teahing staff and learning materials.
1. Buildings:
I believe that many students are dreaming of having an Interactive Learning Center (combining lecture, text and experience), a Leadership Center (practically applying the preparation you've been given) and a small, quiet, nice cafe/study area (for study, academic discussion, etc. to synthesize what you've learned) would work very well together.

2. Arrangement and Facilities for Student Activity

2.1 Multicultural center to promote diversity
A multicultural center would be perfect solution to the lack of interaction between Chinese students and international students and also to he lack of interaction among different cultural groups within the international students themselves. The university will be sending a clear message to the community, students, parents and alumni nationwide or even worldwide that diversity is something that our university values and is committed to.
2.2 Student Life Center
More self-service life facilities will be built on the campus. These may include self-service banking, laundry, cafeteria, etc. These facilities may be more of a convenient service nature than of a profit-making nature.
3. Teaching and Management
More involvement of students will be encouraged in evaluating the quality of classroom instructions and logistic services provided by staff of the university.
自己写的 希望同意!!!


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