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his one cannot compare with

The little rabbits




Mother rabbit: Hello, I’ m Mother rabbit, I have two lovely children. Look, they are coming.

Brother rabbit: Hi, I’m brother rabbit, I can jump very high and run very fast.

Sister rabbit: Hello, I’m sister rabbit, I like singing and dancing.

M: Come on, my dear children, I have something to tell you.


M: Grandma is ill. I am going to visit her later. Can you stay at home?

B : Of course, we can.

S: We can play together at home.

M:Good children! The wolf may come. Don’t open the door.

B and S:Ok, we won’t open the door.

M: All right. I’ll go back soon. Bye-bye.

B and S: Don’t worry. Goodbye, mum.


Wolf: Haha! Today, mother rabbit is out. I can eat the little rabbits. Oh, it will very nice. Haha!


W:Open the door, little rabbits.

B and S: The doorbell is ringing. Who is it?

W: It’s me! Your grandma. Open the door.

B and S: Grandma? (两人小声商量)

S: Grandma is ill. She couldn’t come here.

B: It’s the wolf.


B:Mum isn’t at home. We can’t open the door.

S: You are bad wolf. We can’t open the door.

W: Oh, you are very clever. I am your friend. I have some carrots for you. Open the door.

B and S: No, we can’t.

W: Oh, look, It’s nice. Mmm. Open the door. You can have a nice lunch.

B and S: No, we won’t open the door. Please go away.

W: You bad rabbits. I will come again.



M:Open the door, my children.

S: Oh, it’s mummy.

B: Wait! Be careful!

B: Who is it?

M: I am your mother.

B and S: Oh, mum, come in.


M:Good children. I love you!

B and S: We love you, too!



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