
来自:痛风    更新日期:早些时候
英语作文关于爱好摄影的 词数100~

One of my hobbies is photography, and I have several cameras I use to take pictures. I have a traditional film camera that takes great pictures. Film isn't too expensive for the camera, and I can get rolls of film developed almost anywhere. These types of cameras are generally easy to use. Just point and shoot. Recently, I bought a digital camera, and it has made taking pictures even easier. I just insert the memory card in to the camera, adjust the settings on the camera and shoot away. When I'm done taking pictures, I can either attach a USB cable to a computer and download them, or I can insert the memory card into a computer and download them that way. I also can easily share my digital pictures by emailing them as attachments to family or friends, or I can upload them to my Website. Printing digital pictures is also very easy to do.

I have been dreaming of becoming an excellent photographer ever since I was seven.That all started when I saw a picture of a lovely panda.The photographer was trying to tell a moving story about how people saved this kind of endangered animal and that moved me so much.
I think a photographer’s job is very interesting and meaningful.He can record the beautiful moments in people’s lives with his camera:a beautiful young girl,a lovely dog,strangers helping each other and so on.And imagine how sweet it is when an old man looks at a photo of himself which was taken when he was young!I want to be a photographer like this who can record these sweet moments.
Of course,a photographer records not only the beautiful moments in life but also ugly things so that he can draw people’s attention to them and change them.For example,he may take photos of some social problems,such as air pollution,endangered animals and plants,and inequality of society.When people see these pictures,they will be better aware of these serious problems and will do things to improve the present situation.In a sense,a photographer is helping the society make progress in his special way.
I know it’s never easy for me to realize my dream of becoming an excellent photographer:I will have to work hard to buy myself a good camera and study hard to learn the skills.But I will keep on trying until I succeed.

I love Spring
Of the four seasons,I love Spring best.I love spring better than other three seasons .In spring ,the daya are longer than in winter .the weather gets warm and trees are green all over city .I can play games with my friendas in the garden .there are flowers in the garden!spring is new start for me!In Spring,the weather gets warmer and everything begins to grow rapily.If we go to the countryside on a sunny day in Spring,W'll find tree turning green and flowers blooming.Besides mypersonal interests,I think the most in portant reason.Why I like Spring is that Spring signifies hope and progress.It assures us a promising season of summer and also the most iportant havvest seaso-autum.I love Sprig.


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