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1、The events of the Winter Olympics are mainly divided into: ice events: short track speed skating, speed skating, figure skating, ice hockey and curling; Snow events: freestyle skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing and platform jumping.


2、Winter Olympic Games are referred to as Winter Olympic Games and Winter Olympics for short. Mainly held by the whole world, it is the largest comprehensive winter sports meeting in the world. It is held every four years. Since 1994, it has been held in parallel with the Summer Olympic Games.


3、The word "winter" as the main body will show the vitality and passion of winter sports, but also convey the Olympic spirit of "peace, friendship, fairness and progress".


4、The core spirit of the 2022 Winter Olympics is: athlete-centered, sustainable development, and frugality.


5、Beijing Winter Olympics is an important landmark activity of China's important historical node, which is to show the national image, promote national development and inspire the nation.


What is the English excerpt of 2022 Winter Olympic Games?


1、The events of the Winter Olympics are mainly divided into: ice events: short track speed skating, speed skating, figure skating, ice hockey and curling; Snow events: freestyle skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing and platform jumping.


2、Winter Olympic Games are referred to as Winter Olympic Games and Winter Olympics for short. Mainly held by the whole world, it is the largest comprehensive winter sports meeting in the world. It is held every four years. Since 1994, it has been held in parallel with the Summer Olympic Games.


3、The word "winter" as the main body will show the vitality and passion of winter sports, but also convey the Olympic spirit of "peace, friendship, fairness and progress".


4、The core spirit of the 2022 Winter Olympics is: athlete-centered, sustainable development, and frugality.


5、Beijing Winter Olympics is an important landmark activity of China's important historical node, which is to show the national image, promote national development and inspire the nation.


The Winter Olympic Games are abbreviated as winter Olympics and Winter Olympics. It is mainly held by regions all over the world. It is the largest winter comprehensive Games in the world. It is held every four years and has been held alternately with the summer Olympic Games since 1994.

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games consists of 7 major events, 15 sub items and 109 minor events. Beijing division undertakes all ice sports, Yanqing division undertakes snowmobile, sledge and alpine skiing, and Zhangjiakou division undertakes all snow sports except snowmobile, sledge and alpine skiing.

At the opening ceremony, the "five rings of ice and snow" broke through the ice. Breaking the ice means breaking the estrangement, approaching each other and integrating everyone.

The theme slogan "together for the future", China's sincere invitation to the world, conveys the beautiful expectations of the 1.4 billion Chinese people: under the influence of the Olympic spirit, work together with the people of the world to help each other and create a better future.








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