
来自:听道    更新日期:早些时候

如:跑run,跳jump,唱sing 等等。
如:do, does, did, have
Does she have a soccer ball? 这样的句子呢?(第3人称单数不是用has吗)
只有在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,用has。 其余人称都用have。
watches 是动词的单三形式 或是 “手表” 复数形式。
若在一般现在时中,主语为单三,那么动词就用 watches,否则用watch。
例如:My father often watches TV in the evening.
I watch TV at night.
例如:I have a watch.
Their watches are beautiful.
谓语, 就是放在主语后面的动词,称谓语动词。 I (eat) a cake.
宾语, 就是指放在动词或介词后面的名词或代词。
I go with (you). / I buy (a book) for (him).
状语, 常见的有时间和地点状语。 也就是表示时间和地点的称状语。
I visited my grandpa (yesterday). We meet (at the school gate).
定语 是指固定一个名词的词语叫定语,分前置定语和后置定语,说白了,就是放在名词前面的叫前置定语,放在名词后面的叫后置定语。
a (beautiful) girl. a girl (in red). a boy (sleeping on the sofa)
用A代替另外一个词,那么A就叫代词。固定的代词有this , that, I , you , he , she, it , we , they, what,等等.

1 character的意思很多,可以指事物的特征,性质,也可以指人的品质,性格。而personality着重指人的个性,人格特征。
2 it is worthless后面应该接doing 因为worthless是adj,接to do 的句型是it is worth to do sth 。
3 代表处的正确翻译是“representative office”。

1:are they washing clothings?
2:when is Alice going to opera?
3:they are visiting their friends in shanghai
4:Thank you for your postcard from newyork

1.yes, he is
2. are you walking
3.am shopping
4.have a good time
5.what ,doing

1.jack is waiting for the train

1.having,at the moment
2.put on
3.drinking afternoon tea at home
4.is looking at
5.leaving work ,going home

我的肯定是对的 放心吧楼主

一1、are they washing clothes?
2、when is alice going to the opera?
3、they are friedns visiting their friends in shanghai.
4、thank you for your postcard from newyork.
二1、yes,he is.
2、shall i walk
3、am shopping
4、have a good night
5、what doing
四1、having in that movment
2、put on
3、drinking afternoon tea at home
4、is looking at
5、over work back home

1. They are washing clothes?
2. when is Alice going tothe opera?
3. They are visiting their friens inShanghai。
4. Thank you for your postcard from NewYork。

1 yes,he is.
2 Are you walking
3 am shopping
4 have a good time
5 What doing

1 waiting 后加for
2 under 改为 in
3 talking with
4 in 改成 on
5 look改为 watch

1 The children are -learning----- an English lesson --at---- ---this--- --moment----.

2 It's very cold outside,so --put---- --on---- your sweater.

3 My father is ---drinking--- ---tea--- --at---- --home---- ---now---.

4 Tom is looking at the picture

5 Mrs Chen is ---over--- - work----- and ----back-- ---home---

are they washing clothes?
when is Alice going to the opera?
they are visiting their friends in shanghai
thank you for your postcard from NewYork

yes,he is
are you walking to school
.am shopping...
..have a good time..

1waiting 后加for
2 under-in
3 talking with
5 look改为 watch

1 ...having..at the moment
2...put on
3.. drinking afternoon tea at home
4..are looking at
5..getting off and going home

1.They are washing clothes.
2.When is Alice going to the opera.
3.They are visiting their friends in shanghai.
4.Thank you for your postcard from Newyork.
1。Tony's father is drinking water now.
2.Are you walking to school.
3.am shopping
4.have a good time\
5.What doing

连词成句1:are they washing clothings?;2:when is Alice going to opera?;3:they are in shanghai visiting their friends;4:Thank you for your postcard from newyork


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