
来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ 1. 相互理解
2. 尊重
3. 不能自私
4. 留点空间
5. matters of principle in couples
If both parties are online, they must look for each other and not neglect each other!!!
If one party is going to turn off their phone, they must explain the situation to the other party and not let them worry!!!
Even if you are very angry, do not say "get out," because this word hurts feelings!!!
Couples should have their own nicknames and not use them to joke with others, as they are unique to you two!!!
If it's not too troublesome, say "goodnight" to each other every night before sleeping, and I believe everyone knows the meaning of goodnight!!!
Husbands should quit smoking and drinking for their wives, and wives should be faithful to their husbands. Is this fair???
No matter who offends the other party, they must apologize and make the other party happy. Argue as much as you want, but do not let the anger last for more than a day!!! (memorize)
When both parties are together, try to avoid using words like "uh, mm," as these words can kill the enthusiasm of a conversation, and they give the impression of being perfunctory. What do you think???
Do not make your partner jealous, and resolve misunderstandings promptly!!!
When together or temporarily separated for some reason, both parties must take good care of themselves and minimize illness!!! Do not let the other party worry!!!
6. Principles in Couples' Relationship
1. Do not casually threaten to break up. If two people argue over a small matter and constantly mention breaking up, such a relationship will not last long.
2. Trust each other and avoid suspicion, as it only deepens misunderstandings and fractures in the relationship.
3. Do not be overly clingy and give each other personal space. Do not deprive the other person of freedom to breathe. Such a relationship can be exhausting.
4. Treat each other with sincerity and do not lie to each other frequently, regardless of whether it is a white lie or not.
5. Avoid comparing who has given more in the relationship. Such comparisons only lead to problems in the relationship.
6. Be more tolerant and understanding of each other during the relationship. Even if the other person has some flaws, focus on their strengths.
7. Do not be overly self-centered in a relationship. If you are too self-centered and always put yourself first, it can easily make the other person feel exhausted.
8. Express your love to each other frequently to make the relationship sweet.
9. Do not be selfish in a relationship. Selfishness is harmful to the development of a relationship.
10. Communicate with each other regularly to enhance understanding and deepen the relationship.
7. The Best State of Couples' Relationship
1. The best state of a couple's relationship is when one is playful and the other is amused. Two people together should not be constrained or secretive, but should treat each other with openness, and be fully aware of each other's intentions.
2. Couples can sincerely share their true thoughts with each other and openly discuss their feelings. There should be no secrets. Sometimes, when going out shopping, girls do not need to dress up too much, as their partner will like them regardless. This is also the best state of a couple's relationship.


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