书面表达(英语作文) 悉尼是个度假的好地方。请根据下面的提示写一篇70词左右的短文

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On my next holiday,I will go to visit my friend Eric.He's live in Beijing.I will go there on August 1st and return on August 15th.On his country,we will go bike riding with Eric .And he Leadership me to visit the Great Wall,Tian'anmen Square,the Palace Muaeum and so on.I'll have a good time.

Sydney is a holiday is a good place, why not think about going to Sydney on holiday? Sydney is one of Australia's most famous city, It in a graceful coast and buildings is famous, in Sydney can do many recreational activities, don't forget to bring some lightweight clothes, because there right now is summer.
Enjoy your holiday!

BTW. 慷慨解囊是形容极其大方地在经济上帮助别人,用在这里不合适,你可以选择助人为乐。

Sydney,the most famous city in Australia, which is the best place to go on holiday. It known for its beautiful seacoast and high buildings. You can be invovled in many activities here. In addition, it is summer in Sydney not winter. I hope you can bring clothes what is portable for you. And wish you have a great vacation.

书面表达(英语作文) 悉尼是个度假的好地方。请根据下面的提示写一篇70词左右的短文视频




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