
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

I spent six years in lingnan school Unconsciously. I will graduate soon, yet the most things I really missing about are my teachers and classmates. I won't forget the memories about those joyful time I stay with them. In addition, thanks to my teachers who led me learned a lot of knowledge. Goodbye, my mates, goodbye, my teachers, let us spend the rest of our high school life happily.

好吧,为了让读起来通顺并不是全文一字一句对着翻译,不过大意一样= =

Cinema advertising film showing too much, time off, and the film too large volume, effect on our sense of hearing, the theater exits mark, hidden safety problems, once the fire, the audience cannot be the first to leave. Hope that the manager can shorten the time of advertising, will film to appropriate volume, and also in safety clearly marked, I hope I can give you suggest the cinema better benefits

韩服Han is convinced.

S. Korea is called `Han being convinced' , North Korea lets `Korea be convinced' , is is one kind of the tradition clothing. The characteristic that Han is accustomed to is to design that the simplicity and clothes mount and do not have a bag.

流行乐 Music be in popular

现在韩国音乐的影响力可以从一件事中看见,这件事就是在韩国有叫做“唐乐”的韩国化的中国音乐,在日本有叫做“高丽乐”的日本化的韩国音乐。“唐乐”这个名称的意思是中国唐朝的音乐。同样, “高丽乐”这个名称的意思是韩国高丽王朝的音乐。
Now music influence of Korea Republic can see that this matter is Chinese music that Korea Republic melts having being called "Tang Le " in Korea Republic , Korea Republic music having being called "happy Japanization of Korean" in Japan among secondary matter. "Tang Le " this name meaning of is Chinese Tang Dynasty music. By the same token, "Korean laughs because this name meaning of is Korea Republic Korean dynasty music ".

韩国料理 Korea Republic is taken care of.

Korea Republic is taken care of use delicate give first place to, little greasy food.

Hanbok South Korea is called "hanbok," North Korea is called "Korean clothing", is a traditional clothing. Hanbok is characterized by simple design and clothes, and no pockets. Now South Korean pop music's influence can be seen in one thing, this thing in South Korea has called the "Tang Dynasty" in South Korea of Chinese music, in Japan called "Korea Music" in Japan of Korean music. "Don Music" the meaning of this name is China's Tang Dynasty music. Similarly, the "Korea music" the name means South Korean Koryo dynasty music. Korean cuisine Korean cuisine to the main light.

Called "pants" in South Korea, North Korea call "Korea", is a traditional costumes.Pants featuring design simple and there is no pockets on clothes.
Pop music the influence of Korean music now available from one thing in sight, this thing in Korea have called “ Don Lok ” Korean of Chinese music, in Japan has called “ Koryo Lok ” Japanese of Korean music.“ Don Lok ” this name mean China Tang music.Similarly, “ Koryo Lok ” this name mean Korea dynasty of music.
Korean restaurant
Korean restaurant to focus less greasy and stature.

South Korea is called "hanbok," North Korea is called "Korean clothing", is a traditional clothing. Hanbok is characterized by simple design and clothes, and no pockets.
Now the influence of Korean music can be a matter of seeing that this thing in South Korea has called the "Tang Dynasty" in South Korea of Chinese music, in Japan called "Korea Music" in Japan of Korean music. "Don Music" the meaning of this name is China's Tang Dynasty music. Similarly, the "Korea music" the name means South Korean Koryo dynasty music.
Korean Cuisine
Korean cuisine with light-based and less oily



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