
来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ 1. Rolex, a renowned Swiss watch brand, was established in 1905 under the Rolex Company. With 15 different series, including Air-King, Cosmograph Daytona, Datejust, Lady Datejust, Day-Date, Explorer, GMT Master II, Milgauss, Oyster Perpetual, Pearlmaster, Sea-Dweller, Sky-Dweller, Submariner, Yacht-Master, and Cellini, Rolex offers a diverse range of watches.
2. Audemars Piguet is famous for itsCODE 11.59, Royal Oak Concept, Royal Oak Offshore, Royal Oak, and Millenary series. The brand is committed to creating high-quality timepieces to cater to various consumer needs.
3. Breguet, with over 240 years of history, is founded by a significant figure in the history of horology. Breguet watches are cherished by royalty and many renowned foreign literati, and the brand's rich history and craftsmanship traditions are passed down through generations.
4. Piaget is known for its focus on complex movements and involvement in the jewelry industry, striving for excellence. Piaget watches are famous for unique designs such as "cuff watches" and "coin watches."
5. Girard-Perregaux is one of the world's second-oldest watchmaking factories, specializing in the study of watch movements and dedicated to enhancing watchmaking craftsmanship. Girard-Perregaux also operates a watch museum, showcasing the brand's history and achievements.
6. Vacheron Constantin's founder is a philosopher rather than a craftsman. The brand established the world's first watch factory and is renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and design.
7. Patek Philippe is a Swiss family-owned independent watchmaker, focusing on watch manufacturing since its establishment in 1839. The brand has a strict training period for watchmakers to ensure that every watch's craftsmanship and design meet the highest standards.
8. Cartier was initially known for its jewelry, not watches. Since the late 19th century, Cartier has been popular among high-end women for its watches mounted on gold bracelets.
9. IWC Schaffhausen ensures that every watch leaving the factory meets the brand's high standards through rigorous testing. Only products that pass the test are released to the market.
10. Jaeger-LeCoultre's founder invented the micrometer, greatly improving the precision of watch parts in the industry. The brand also manufactured the smallest mechanical movement and the thinnest mechanical movement in the world, showcasing its innovation and technical strength.
The above information is based on the百度百科entry about Rolex and aims to provide accurate brand information.


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