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If the great composer was still alive,he would make more wonderful compose works.

3-6, seven-year-old children were in early childhood, also known as pre-school period. Children at this age have a long time of care in kindergarten, and some are still at home .Family and kindergarten should attach importance to children's mental health problem
Firstly, Children must be given the status in the family, "play" well he should play the "role". Existence result in consciousness. Existence also forms a person's character. Children‘s character is come into being for this period, the period is also a foundation to the child. Family members of his attitude, in particular, what the position he is put in and what the role played by him, all effect the formation of his character greatly. Parents love of the single child because of the motherly love. However, many people tend to confuse motherly love and spoil, regard children as the core, the cosseted, and satisfied the desire, no matter what he wants. Child is happy, parents are happy. However, from the long-term viewpoint, is not conducive to child growth, especially harmful to the mental health of children. By pampering children like this, self-willed, self-centered, selfish, impolite, lack of independence and cowardice will be formed in child’s character. Children will become accustomed to the bad behavior after such terrible character is formed stably .with losing the protection of Parent, it will become timid, interpersonal tensions, suffering more psychological conflict and trauma. In addition, the cosseted Children often are in scarcity of the independence, the lack of determination to overcome difficulties and indomitable spirit, which has an immense influence to being talent for the child. Doing a good job of children’s mental health, the following points should be noted:
1. Making children feel harmonious especially the warmth of home. Children on this issue cultivate a good mood and personality of great significance. Living in a harmonious home, such a harmonious and warm atmosphere that people respect and care for the young and old, mutual concern and love, is conducive to the child mental health .Some people even think that the circumstance is significant to the formation of his moral character all his life. In contrast, home quarrel and fight will not stop in some family .Inconceivablely, children also took part in the “war” blindly; the quarrel between some husband and wife result in making the child confused and fearful because the gay can’t decide whom he is in favor of. Some studies have proved that such a child is susceptible to stuttering, and some trouble of nocturnal enuresis and stomach. In particular, the breakdown of families has a greater impact on children. According to a survey of juvenile delinquency, juvenile delinquency rate is the highest in the crowd who lost his mother or father in four-year-old. In another 135 juvenile offenders, 40% of people have come from broken families. In broken home, the influence become even worse after the parents ‘divorce to their children. Not only the children lost their parents often by people sympathetic and children in the divorced family are vulnerable to discrimination, but also detrimental to mental health.
2. Right to treat children with stuttering and enuresis, stuttering is due to the trouble of imitation or mental sudden tension. Generally speaking, there are around 4% of boys, girls have around 2%. Stuttering look as "trivial", however, children can be very serious psychological injury, resulting in the bad character such as lonely, back, shy, low self-esteem .So; parents should prevent stuttering in their children. Don’t large at the stuttering child, not to beat him, but encouraging him to establish confidence in the spirit of relaxation, and being corrected in a long time. Another, that five-year-old children are bed-wetting called enuresis patients. Except some physiological reasons, most enuresis patients caused by the tension spirit, but also some parents doting on their children without training. Five, six-year-old children wet the bed that he was embarrassed, and then the parents must not humiliate or even scold him to try to cure the enuresis. More nervous children are, more difficult to cure enuresis. At the same time, being scold cause by the enuresis easily form the bad character such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
3. We should treat the mistakes of children correctly. Being at the young age, the less knowledge and experience, and poor ability that result in errors and mistakes are not unusual at all. Adults is still "cutting one to eat, a gain in your wit", Children need learn to grow up according to the fault and mistakes continuously. For this reason, the child's fault and error should be treated calm, patient education, in particular, and to tell the truth, without making children feel grievance. It is not a good way to beat or scold children because damaging children's self-respect frequently is negative for the children to accept criticism and education, and even form bad moral and character. Children will feel confused, thus leading to accept the education unwillingly, when one of the couple criticism but the other shield. The purpose of education and Criticism is not give vent to parent’s anger or soft serve children, but children should be guided to recognize errors, and encourage the children to correct their mistakes happily.

She hasn't heard from his son for three months, she is deeply concerned about his safty.

she has never received her son's letter for three month ,she is deeply concerned about her son's safty.


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