
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

baby on more time


(Oh baby baby)
(Oh baby baby)
Oh baby baby
How was I supposed to know
that something wasn't right here
Oh baby baby
I shouldn't have let you go
and now you're out of sight yeah
Show me how you want it to be
tell me baby
cause I need to know now
oh because
My loneliness is killing me
(and I)
I must confess
I still believe
(still believe)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
give me a sign
hit me baby one more time
Oh baby baby
The reason I breathe is you
Boy you've got me blinded
Oh pretty baby
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
It's not the way I planned it
Show me how you want it to be
tell me baby
cause I need to know now
oh because
My loneliness is killing me
(and I)
I must confess
I still believe
(still believe)
when I'm not with you I lose my mind
give me a sign
hit me baby one more time
(Oh baby baby)
(Oh baby baby)
Oh baby baby
How was I supposed to know
Oh pretty baby
I shouldn't have let you go
I must confess
that my loneliness
is killing me now
Don't you know I still believe
that you will be here
and give me a sign
hit me baby one more time
My loneliness is killing me
(and I)
I must confess
I still believe
(still believe)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
give me a sign
hit me baby
I must confess
that my loneliness
is killing me now
Don't you know
I still believe
that you will be here
and give me a sign
hit me baby one more time

linkin park:faint
Younha: ほうき星
YUI:rolling star




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26号船的帆 发表于5个月前



  • 13929171885http:\/\/user.qzone.qq.com\/8204545请大家帮帮忙听听这个空间里的歌曲到...
    梁雪雄乔依安立奎Joy Enriquez—Losin'The Love 试听 http:\/\/www.tudou.com\/programs\/view\/aZhJXwResD0\/

  • 13929171885歌曲视听!请大家帮忙听听这是哪个国家的语言.

  • 13929171885请大家帮忙听听这首歌叫什么名字http:\/\/mobile.91.com\/r26671 小弟跪...
    梁雪雄《ce frumoasa e iubirea》-giulia http:\/\/mp3.baidu.com\/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=ce+frumoasa+e+iubirea&lm=-1 法语

  • 13929171885请大家帮我听听这个拳王2002视频的歌曲是什么名字
    梁雪雄那上面不是写着嘛 ole another day 和 just like a pm 给我加分吧!

  • 13929171885大家帮忙听听这个背景音乐是什么 http:\/\/user.qzone.qq.com\/784003956...
    梁雪雄久石让 - The Changing Seasons http:\/\/www.tudou.com\/programs\/view\/wTRAFLfOOVU\/

  • 13929171885请帮忙听听这个曲子叫什么~
    梁雪雄哈哈,知道!是 《somewhere in time》电影<时光倒流七十年>的主题曲.前段时间刚看了电影,曲子倒是很早就知道。电影也很不错的,很感人。(对不起吖,为了醒目些)

  • 13929171885请大家帮忙听听看这首歌的名字是什么?

  • 13929171885请大家帮忙听听这首歌是什么..
    梁雪雄Ain't about the crazy things that's running through your mind 与你头脑中疯狂的事情无关 It's about the love that's supposed to last and never die 它只与我们曾相信的永恒的爱有关 It's all about drama, and love, and 'lationships它是关于戏剧、爱、和我们的关系 And when the ...

  • 13929171885大家帮忙听听这个是什么慢摇
    梁雪雄http:\/\/mfs.xici.net\/d69143468.0\/valentina-bum_bum_(r_and_b).mp3 Valentina - Bum Bum

  • 13929171885有经常听日语歌的帮忙听听这个视频的背景音乐是什么
    梁雪雄背景音乐 第一首:なまえのないうた 第二首:Time For Yourself 第三首:Chancenlos 第四首:Down at the Coffeeshop 第五首:Jack Johnson - Angel

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