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Adult text of an annotated book trains splendid results

Successively have established four phases of adult training class since that project sets up 4 years,the trainee who trains a number to amount to more than 130 people , major part can apply what one has learned , has the part singer to use the text of an annotated book to woven by self and established the white bend by self. (There are four) the project expects adult the text of an annotated book training class in having held the head in July , 2004 , holding such adult training class is to read and write the text of an annotated book for teaching those have mimicked the gentle people of Chinese being able to be ready to risk self's life mainly. The adult who holds in 2004 trains a shift to be a cadre , teacher , singer mainly specifically for the village and has possibility to participate in the flexible personnel of project directly afterwards. Training class in 2005 priority is young person inside the village. In 2007 training class emphasizes the parents who trains learning former shift children then. Adult expecting that in elects the text of an annotated book teacher that the excellent leave school personnel trains to become now learning former shift again in training class , these the text of an annotated book teachers all are local Bai nationality people , the dialogue speaks , Bai nationality culture is familiar with very much, among them a few excellent personnel participate in the job middle learning former shift teaching material to the write directly , some editor who has participated in the text of an annotated book brief report comes out. The first phases of the text of an annotated book training class fire a shift in Shi Long Village on July 25 , 2004,training passing 10 day, 31 trainees have an exam pass , all complete the study of a course, effect is very good. These trainee's read-write abilities have had very big rise , have reinforced the written social intercourse ability. He (her) can use the text of an annotated book to read books , newspaper etc. , the language being helpful to them with self records and self tradition culture. By the fact that the text of an annotated book studying can help this nationality masses to come off blind. Fridays, continuously, intensify , firm in the evening to trainee go along. The project has carefully chose stronger 5 ability trainees , has become the teacher learning former shift and adult training class thereby with the training to their knowledge carrying out the text of an annotated book , school education , teaching aspect. Now, fifth phases of adult training class carry out middle in course of. Adult text of an annotated book trains a what be put into use all teaching material reasons project made up of member self write , subject matter selects and uses the Bai nationality life fragment and a few folktales, content press close to local people life , popular and easy to understand, be so deep that the trainee is fond of.



开头是“想对你说的话” ,后面的大意是“他喜欢你,想你,忘不了你…………恨你虚情假意…欺骗她感情……你是她第一个喜欢的人……她知道你不喜欢她了……也想着去接受别人,就是心里忘不了你……”大意就是这样了,好多我也不知道那字。我说这位大哥,你怎么伤害那女孩了?人家有话不能直说,挺伤感,你还好意思在这儿晒她的话,太不像话了……



想对你说的 话
郝好,《语气>自己随便看看!不懂我翻译给你!用自己话说!郝好!字看得懂吗。为什么要等你呢?得瑟成什么样?你配吗?也想着接送别人?、可是为什么不得不走?。。。。。。。。。。《不好意思 看不懂字??



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