高分悬赏 谁帮我翻译词组~~~

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高分悬赏3 谁帮我翻译词组~~~

很有价值-highly valuable
过去常常做某事-used to do something
喜欢听摇滚音乐-like to listen to rock music
对..感兴趣-is/am interested in something
喜欢-have a predilection for
更喜欢踢足球-like playing football even more
在某人的空闲时间-during someone's leisure time
在我家前面-in front of my house
教某人游泳-teach someone swimming
自学-learn by oneself
网上聊天-chat online
诸如-such as/for example/for instance
日常工作-daily work
举办音乐会-hold a concert
借给某人某物-lend someone somenthing/lend something to someone
继续干..-continue doing something/carry on with doing something
为..付钱-pay for
以..闻名-is wellknown for
古典音乐-classical music
在年轻人中间-among the youth
一个十八岁的高中生-an eighteen-year-old high school student
最著名的乐队之一-one of the most famous bands
在..的秋天-in the autumn of
寻找某人干..-look for someone
组建乐队-build a band
另外的三个男孩-the other three boys
最终,最后-finally/in conclusion
同意某人-agree with someone
在昨天这个时候-at this time yesterday
没什么严重的-nothing serious
生某人的气-is mad at someone
做鬼脸-make a face/grimace
在十九世纪初期-at the beginning of the nineteenth century
解决问题-slove the problem
停止工作-stop working
...的开始-at the beginning of something
两天的周末-a two-day weekend
以不同的方式-in different ways
给他们打招呼-say hello to them


患流感-have cold
最好不要做某事-you would better not to do something
为什么不..-Why not
好好照顾...-Take good care of
仔细检查它- check it carefully
给..买..-buy sb sth、buy sth to sb
把..带到医院-Send sb to hospital
熬夜-stay up
在电视上看..-Wath TV about
对...有好处-Sh is good for
留长指甲-(make fingernails long)
饭前洗手-(wash your hands before dinner)
一天刷两次牙-(Wash your teeth everyday )
戒烟-(Quit smoking)
各种各样的-(a various of )
随意乱扔垃圾-(throw rubies everywhere)
在阳光下看书-(read in the sun)
空腹运动-(excercise Of fasting )
进入人体内-(go into body)
做扫除-( do cleaning )
和..谈话-(talk to sb)
不得不-(have to)
远离动物-(Far away from animals)
打电话给他-(call him)
留口信-(leave a massage)
捎口信-(take a massage)
他不在-(he is not Here)
做..是..的责任-( It is Sbs duty to do sth)
好久不见-(havent seen for a long time)
讲故事-(Tell storys)
自学(两种)-(study sbself)(study without teacher)
从那时起-(since then)
为..送行-(Farewell sb)

在某人去..的路上-(on ones way to )
错误的-(sth is false)
请假-(ask for leave)

hope 的确 不接To

为我们加油- to cheer us on

与做...比较更喜欢做..- prefer doing sth. to doing sth.

为..而效力-to play for

和...比赛-race against sb

动身去..-set off

...之一 -one of

去骑自行车- go cycling

花费时间做..-spend time on doing sth

做运动-take sports

使我变得强壮(两种)-make me strong;get me stronger


参加,加入-take part in

介意做..-mind doing sth

帮助我-do fever with me

擅长于..-be good at

帮我学英语-help me with my English

请某人做某事-ask sb to do sth

顺便过来做..-come over to do

立刻马上-at once

关小-turn down

代替-instead of

用英语说它-speak it in English

设法做..-try to do

尽力做..-try doing

生某人的气-be angry with sb

一定要做某事-make a point of doing sth

和..交朋友-make friends with sb

名胜古迹(复数)-places of interest


象征-a symbol of

至少-at least

喜欢-be fond of

come on为我们加油-
prefer doing to doing与做...比较更喜欢做..-
be devoted to为..而效力-
match sb和...比赛-
start off /out 出发,动身去…
one of...之一 -
travel by bike去骑自行车
It takes sb time to do花费时间做


cheer us on
prefer(doing) to(doing).....
play for?(篮球的话)
play against.
leave for
one of......
go cycling
spend time on sth./(in)doing sth.
do exercise
build me up/make me strong
keep the door closed.
take part in参加比赛 join 参加加入俱乐部之类的
mind doing
do me a favor
be good at
help me study english
ask sb. to do sth.
这个有点不清楚- -happen to do碰巧 by the way,。。。。顺便
right now ;right away.....at once
turn down
take the place of./instead of
speak it in english
invite sb to do sth.
manage to do sth.

try one's best to do sth.
be angry with sb.
must do/have to do
make friends/a friend with sb.
places of interest
fill out/in
the symbol of....
at least
be fond of

有一些可能又出入啦 ^.^见谅

高分悬赏 谁帮我翻译词组~~~视频




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