
来自:红宝石    更新日期:早些时候



虚拟环境为虚拟生产提供虚拟技术。 虚拟原型在虚拟产品生命周期中是一个主要部分,虚拟工厂需要迎合这些产品制作的操作。因此,虚拟原型与虚拟工厂领域的发展能够提高虚拟生产的能力。
虚拟生产的一个主要益处就是,通过模仿其结构和功能的虚拟生产实体的创作,虚拟系统组件(比如设备和物料)和概念系统组件(如果成计划和设备时间表) 能够被简单的表现出来。这些实体可以依据需要在虚拟工厂中添加或移除,而不对其它系统数据产生很大影响。虚拟工厂的软件实体与现实系统组件有着很大的联系,因此,在虚拟系统中执行的有效模拟对现实系统中的决策者帮助很大、
对于虚拟生产来说有三个典型范例,如以设计为中心的VM,以生产为中心的VM以及控制为中心的VM。 以设计为中心的VM为设计者提供了一个环境来设计产品并对产品的工艺性及其可购性进行评估。以设计为中心的VM的结果包括产品模型、成本预估等。因此便可以发现设计的潜在问题,其优势也可得到预测。为了在没有实体产品的情况下维持生产高效性, 以生产为中心的VM 提供一种环境,能够生成生产计划、过程计划及资源要求计划(新设备采购等),,并对这些计划进行评估。这样能够提供更准确的成本信息以及产品发货时间信息。通过模拟实际生产过程, 以控制为中心的VM为工程师提供了一个环境,可以评估新产品或新修改的产品设计以及制造现场相关活动。以控制为中心的VM 为优化生产过程和改进生产系统提供有效信息。


I have already filled out the contract, and please confirm it.
( The seller in the contract which is a trading company, because we did not have the export right, we must find a trading company as our proxy).
15 days means the time that from production to transport to China's Ningbo Port ,
After signing the contract, we will begin production immediately,
when the production complete, we will notify your company for money,.Once we receive the money, we will deliver immediately!


Hello, I have filled out a good contract, and ask you to confirm. (Contract of the seller which is a trading company, since we did not export right, so we must find a trading company for our proxy). 15 days means that we, from production to transport to China, Ningbo, Hong Kong time, the contract signed, we will immediately begin production, the production is completed, we will notify your company money, shall receive, we ship immediately!

Hellor, I have filled out a good contract, and ask you to confirm. (Contract of the seller which a trading company, since we did not export right, so we must find a trading company for our proxy). 15 days means that we, from prodution to transport to China, will imediately begin production, the production is completed, we will notify your company money, shall receive, we ship immediately!
Thank you!

Hello, I have filled out a good contract, and ask you to confirm.
(Contract of the seller which is a trading company, since we did not export right, so we must find a trading company for our proxy).
15 days means that we, from production to transport to China's Ningbo Port of time,
After signing the contract, we will begin production immediately,
Production is completed, we will notify your company money, shall receive, we ship immediately!

Mr xxx ,I have signed the contract,and I am expecting your confirmation.(The seller in the contract is a trading company.Since our company is not entitled to conduct self export,we have to find a trading company as our agent .) 15-day refers to the time from our production to the arrival of the transportation in the ningbo port.As soon as the contract is signed,we will start the manufacture,after finishing,we will immediately inform your company of the remittance .As soon as we get the payment ,we will consign the goods to you .Thanks!


  • 19780079509请帮助我翻译成英语,谢谢了!!!
    扈承别Thanks for your care, I had not found the new work, only want to make some part-time jobs to Improves the present life condition, is probably very difficult to operate. Wish your have a pleasant trip! , when do you walk? My last night has been drunk really, good tired....

  • 19780079509请帮忙翻译成英语,多谢!
    扈承别The Chinese government enforces strict controls on this products exported to Africa. I know that you have also tried to get an Import License from the Portuguese, if so, then the possibility of obtaining an Export License is very substantial. We sincerely hope that we can reach ...

  • 19780079509请帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢~~
    扈承别老师,您好。昨天打电话说到今天为止要把保险申请单交上,申请单会发到我的邮箱里,但是到现在我也没收到,麻烦您确认一下。Teacher, hello. Yesterday, the call comes to insurance applications so far should a single hand in the application form will be sent to my mailbox, but until now...

  • 19780079509请帮忙用英语翻译一下,谢谢
    扈承别长期从事仪表仪器销售,积累了一定的销售经验,在销售过程中同时负责一定的维护工作,期间积累了一定技术方面的经验;Engaging in the sale of instrument and aparatus for a long time, I've accumulated certain selling experience .I was also in charge of some maintenance work while I was doing...

  • 19780079509请帮忙翻译成英语
    扈承别所长或主任:director 生产部部长: manager 或者 所长或主任:director general 生产部部长: director

  • 19780079509请帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢大家,感谢感谢!!!
    扈承别in terms of marketing, I think the anticipation made about Europe marketing, peer competition, enterprise management and the purpose preset about the business revenue, profit growth rate by A company are comparably rational, and their assessment of cash flow in runing business has higher...

  • 19780079509请帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢!
    扈承别receiving the goods, and any photoes about damages was shot. We hereby assure that our goods were in good condition prior to sending to logistic warehous,because the damaged out boxes was not allowed into warehouse by freight forwarding.专业英语,专业翻译,请您采纳!我们是同行!

  • 19780079509请帮忙翻译成英语 ,谢谢
    扈承别客户主要为北美通用,克莱斯勒,上海通用,上海汽车,华晨汽车。Our customers are mainly for North America gm and Chrysler, Shanghai gm, Shanghai automotive, brilliance auto.2. 对项目前期新零件的功能分析及零件加工工艺的制定,标准的制定,样品小批量的制作与品质跟进,批产零件的工艺改进及稳定性...

  • 19780079509请帮忙翻译成英语,谢绝机译!
    扈承别1.In the poem, the poet the god of death personification, the poet imagines oneself passed through along with the god of death horse-drawn vehicle the school.2.In the poem, the god of death horse-drawn vehicle is faces eternal (symbolizes poet's soul to obtain eternal life)...

  • 19780079509请帮忙把以下翻译成英语,谢谢,请不要用翻译机.感谢
    扈承别我的长处是一旦为自己下定目标,为了实现而充分发挥自己的集中力。My advantage is that if I set a goal for myself. I would concentrate so much on that thing until it gets real.设定目标之后,怀揣着积极的态度去面对挑战。When goal is set. I wil always face the challenges postively....

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