
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1, Light (光)
2, umbrella(雨伞)
4,transparency 或者 darkness (透明度 或者 暗度)


1 Wet 石头就弄湿啦、
2 Bee 蜜蜂、
3 the bridge of nose 鼻梁、
4 hot dog


What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?) Silence. (沉默) 
What's the longest word in the world? (世界上最长的单词是什么?) Smiles.(因为两个s之间隔了一个mile 一英里)

 ..What do every couple have in common? (每对夫妻都有的共同点是什么?) 
They are married on the same day.  (他们同一天结婚。)

What's the longest word in the world? (世界上最长的字是什么?)
Smiles. (微笑)
因为开头的S和最后的S之间隔有一里(1 mile)

What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)
Silence. (沉默)

What do every couple have in common? (每对夫妻都有的共同点是什么?)
They are married on the same day.(他们同一天结婚)


答案:They are married on the same day。


第一个是 字母 “L” 它在这world 好像最长.
第二个夫妻共同点是 他们都结过婚了

Smile s和e之间有一mile远
They are married on the same day. 在同一天结婚
silence 当你说silence的时候你就break silence(打破沉默了)


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