
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

  my dream job is to be a teacher! why? let me tell you!

  a teacher may have many students,but many students have the same teacher,so
I think teacher is very important in a person's life,I will try my best to help
every students of mine,teach them as much as possible,and set an example for
them! I will love them as well,if he or she doesn't learn well,I won't look down
upon him,I will be patient!

  now,do you think I will be a good teacher?

Study on puzzles I am a student, this year on the second grade of junior high school. In school, I have many difficulties in learning, because I am a student in residence, a month to go home, so sometimes I miss home, thus affecting the learning. Although, I study very hard, but let me not happy, my grades have been no progress, I may be learning the right way, so I will improve my way of learning, welcome friends to give me some suggestions, I will be indebted forever, I hope I can continue to progress, in the class come out in front. 学习上的困惑 翻译;我是一名学生,今年刚上初中二年级。在学校,我有不少学习上的困难,由于我是一名住校生,一个月才能回家一趟,所以有时我会想家,从而影响学习。虽然,我学习很努力,但是让我不开心的是,我的成绩一直没有进步,可能是我的学习方法不对,所以我会改进一些我的学习方法,欢迎朋友们给我一些建议,我会感激不尽的,我希望我能不断的进步,在班里名列前茅。 如果满意,望采纳,谢谢

A successful person
Yang was born in 1965. He was an excellent pilot. At 9 o'clock on October 15, 2003 by "Shenzhou V", such as the spacecraft into space. Spent in the space of 21 hours after the successful return to the ground.
Yang was born in Liaoning Province, joined the Chinese Air Force in 1987 and became a pilot. 11 years later, he and 13 other pilots to join the Chinese space program. He trained for 5 years. He said: "I've always wanted to become an astronaut."
Yang is also a husband and a father. But today he is also China's first astronaut and national hero.

在机场--At the Airport

Mrs.Fu: Hurry up! We don't have much time left.
Mr.Fu: Take it easy. We still have two hours.
Mrs.Fu: Come on! This is my first time ever to take a plane. I don't want anything to go wrong.
Mr. Fu : Let me take care of everything, all right? Now, let's go to the check-in counter.
Airline Clerk : May I see your tickets and passports, please?
Mr. Fu: Here they are.
Airline Clerk : Would you put all your baggage on the scale, please?....Ah, thirty-eight kilos.
Mrs. Fu : Is that inside the free allowance?
Airline Clerk : Yes, we allow twenty kilos each.
Mrs. Fu : That's lucky! (To her husband) What's next?
Mr. Fu : They'll have to check our baggage. Why don't you wait for me upstairs at the refreshment lounge?
Mrs. Fu : All right. (She goes off.)
Airline clerk : Open your baggage, please.
Mr. Fu : Sure. (He opens the bags. The airline clerk examines them.)
Airline Clerk : All right. Thank you, sir.
Mr. Fu : (Upstairs at the lounge.) What did you order for me?
Mrs. Fu : Black coffee. What do we do now?
Mr. Fu : Let me finish this coffee and then we will go to gate 5. They're announcing our flight.
Mrs. Fu : I didn't hear anything.
Mr. Fu : It's on that sign board up there. See? UA 801. At gate 5. Have you payed the check yet?
Mrs. Fu : Yes.
Mr. Fu : Let's go then.

1. check in n. 指在机场、旅馆的报到
2. free adj. 免费的
3. lounge n. 休息室。
Refreshment lounge,指可边喝饮料或吃东西、边休息的场所。(这个不行还有)

I would like talk about a srtist Cai Yilin in my essay.And her English nameis Jolin,She is a very successful artist.Because she worked really hard in the entertainment cirle and Her own demanding,so each new album will give everybody a surprise.She believes efforts are not necessarily successful,but worked does not hard will not succeed.So many people like her,not only becauseof her good looking, just because of her persistent spiritthat encourageed us.anywayShe is a model foralotofyoung people.

A successful person
Everybody knows Leifeng.He was a kind-hearted man.He always helped the other people.Although he was poor,but he sent most of his money to the old.In wars,he tried his best to kill enemies.But he died from an accident.The present of China,Mao Zedong said that,everyone should learn from Leifeng.So I think he is a successful person.


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