马克吐温的作品 A Cat Tale 翻译成中文是哪篇文章?有中文版么发个链接,谢谢!急需!

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应该是《一只狗的故事》吧,原名《A Dog’s Tale》,马克吐温的作品真没找到《A Cat Tale》。

《一只狗的故事》以一只狗的口吻,讲述自己一生的经历。小说共分三章。第一章以幽默的口吻述说“我”在母亲身边度过快乐的童年时光。第二章由喜转悲:“我”长大后被卖,母子伤心地别离。第三章由悲而喜:“我”的新家非常漂亮,主人们“把我当宝贝”。不久,“我”生了个小狗仔。然而,冬天的到来,悲剧的序幕渐渐拉开:育儿室着火,“我”冒着生命危险将主人家的娃娃拖离火海,却被他误以为是发了疯,用手杖打折了腿。事情明了之后, “我”的“英勇行为”受到人们的赞扬,又生活在荣耀之中。好景不长,随着春天的到来, 厄运又开始了: 女主人和孩子们出远门期间,男主人和他的朋友们用小狗仔做实验,残忍地将它杀死了。“我”亦悲痛而死。

The book is told from the standpoint of a loyal household pet, a dog self described by the first sentence of the story; "My father was a St. Bernard, my mother was a collie, but I am a Presbyterian." The story begins with a description of the dog's life as a puppy and her separation from her mother, which to her was inexplicable. Her puppy and her owner's new child were soon added to her new home. When a fire breaks out in the nursery, the dog risks her life to drag the baby to safety. In the process, her motives are misunderstood and she is cruelly beaten. Soon however, the truth of the situation is discovered and she receives no end of praise. Later in the story, her puppy dies as a result of the owner's biological experiments. Only a servant seems to realize the irony, exclaiming, "Poor little doggie, you saved HIS child!" In the end, the dog pines inconsolable over the grave of the puppy with the clear implication that she will do so until death.

马克吐温的作品 A Cat Tale 翻译成中文是哪篇文章?有中文版么发个链接,谢谢!急需!视频




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