
  • The apples that I have eaten \nin today.
  • 我洗的碗 the bowels that i wash \n我正在洗我的碗 the bowels that i am washing\n我将要洗我的碗 the bowels that i will wash\n我已经洗了我的碗 the bowels that i have washed\n洗的碗 很干净the bowels to wash very clear
  • 好极了!!!∨ery good
  • 讲的好透彻
  • the bed that I an making today,请老师指教[呲牙]
  • 讲的太棒了,棒棒哒,一学就会。
  • 就是,to.和that的定语从句,真的好混乱呀?你讲的好棒好棒[赞][赞][赞][赞]
  • 定语从句:动词加的要颠倒。 1. 短的定语从句用to连接。喝的茶。 the tea to drink. 写的单词。 the words to write. 2.长的定语从句用that连接. 我写的单词是脐橙s. The word that I write are navel oranges. 脐橙n. navel orange 学的英语是海涛英语。 English to learn is Haitaoyingyu. 我学的英语是海涛老师的英语。 English that I learn is teacher Haitao\\'s English.
  • 这个that 不加也行是吧?海涛老师
  • 定语从句,动词+的+名词要颠倒,长的加that,短的加to
  • 老师,比起英语,对你的脐橙更感兴趣[呲牙][呲牙][呲牙]
  • The navel oranges that l buy are sweet我的这些脐橙是甜的
  • [赞][赞][赞]
  • 您是江西赣州人?
  • z[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][赞]
  • The grammar lesson that Haitao teach us is great, thank you!
  • 喜欢老师教的英语语法,会一直跟随老师学习下去的,谢谢老师!
  • 老师,读的书是the book to read.对吗?吃的面包是the bread to eat.对吗?我看的电视是the tv that me wath对吗?我吃的饭菜是the meal that i eat对吗?
  • 做的饭是米饭the meal to do is rice.我做的饭是米饭the meal that l do is rice.
  • 为啥,,买的脐橙,,有道翻译不一样不是the 脐橙 to买的
  • 机器翻译,不一定准确。
  • 老师讲快点,不要讲其他那么多
  • [赞][赞][赞]很棒!
  • 太难了
  • 做的饭是米饭the meal to do is rice.我做的饭是米饭the meal that l do is rice.
  • 海涛老师您好 请问?The meal that I eat is beef .的疑问句是不是?The meal that do you eat is beef ? 期待您的指点
  • 老师,您真棒,我英语从来没及格。我居然听懂了您说的课。
  • 老师太棒啦
  • [赞][赞][赞]
  • 海涛英语[赞][赞][赞][赞][赞][赞]
  • [赞][玫瑰]
  • 好(✪▽✪)
  • 坚持I
  • Thank you very much.
  • 终于知道英语句子是怎么回事了,真不知道初中时是怎么过来的
  • 谢谢您[玫瑰]
  • 老师挺辛苦,把时间全用在指导英语上了。祝老师万事如意!
  • 我做的饭非常美味。\nthe meal that I do very delicious
  • 老师,吃的食品是the food to eat.你喝的牛奶是the milk that you drink对吗?
  • The cat to buy is so cut.
  • ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼
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