
  • I forward your video to my friends.
  • Good morning. everyone
  • 爷爷说话好听,例子也很清晰[赞]
  • 情绪低和身体不舒服?under the weather:不在掌控下?
  • 配上中文字幕,better[赞]
  • Gave you a thumb up!
  • 天气好的话,我要去看医生
  • thank u for sharing idioms I have learnt a lot here
  • only strenuous arduous a little bit diffcult.other words easy
  • I'm under the weather today I don't feel like paying basketball [抠鼻]
  • I always feel under the weather from lack of money
  • I am under the weather now after answering a call just now [流泪]
  • 我一字不识纽约音语
  • good!
  • 讲的非常好,清晰易懂. Very good, simple, clear and easy to understand
  • 还好有英文字幕,否则我一句也听不懂[捂脸]
  • 学英语连蒙带猜[捂脸]
  • 美剧里听到过 !谢谢
  • 好听
  • Thank[呲牙][玫瑰]
  • 感谢您的坚持✊
  • Good evening[玫瑰][玫瑰]
  • 身体不适
  • Thank you ,Raphael[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]
  • 不能双语教学吗?
  • Thank you ,Raphael[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]
  • I’ve been feeling a little under the weather lately. I want go to see a doctor.
  • idiom idiot are similar[呲牙] but difference meaning literally[呲牙]
  • thankyou [碰拳]
  • under where
  • Thangk you,[赞]
  • hope you are not under the weather!
  • Thx for teaching.[赞]
  • Ths for the video
  • under the weather
  • I like it.thanks
  • [赞][赞][玫瑰][玫瑰]
  • 你叫拉斐尔?
  • After I get Covida short I was under the weather.
  • 你可能感兴趣:

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