
  • was it a bar or a bat I saw?(非常对称)
  • 居然刷到一年前的视频[柠檬狗]
  • 刷狗头币[来看我][柠檬狗][给力]
  • that boy said that that that that that girl wrote on that paper is that good
  • 为什么我翻成了那个男孩说那个在纸上写字的女孩很好看
  • 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,终于知道为什么英语不好了,那么多中文可以省略的英文都给塞进去能不晕吗[捂脸]
  • 背景音乐:《黑凤梨》,洛天依也唱过哦!
  • 突然想起来上一次路人A薅羊毛,然后A路人被骂的事,想笑
  • 就跟外国人翻译中文″小明一把把把把住了″我想过过过过儿过过的生活″
  • 看了这个视频发现自己不认识that这个词了[捂脸]
  • 优秀游戏领域创作者???
  • The boy said (that) the \"that\" which the girl wrote on the paper is so good.
  • 英语,我恨呐
  • 我也想过过过过过过的生活
  • Can you can can can
  • 那个男孩说那个女孩在那张纸上写的就是那么好。
  • Everything he likes to say everything everyting.
  • 我也抢个
  • 预计这个视频要火🔥抢个前排[抠鼻]
  • 牛逼牛逼
  • before was was was,was was is
  • 切,小偷偷偷偷衣服[捂脸]
  • Boys say that what girls write on paper is wonderful,咋回事?我咋翻译出来是这样?
  • 我现在不认识that了,怎么办?
  • 考古人,一年了
  • 我忽然想起来中文的:我没上上上上海的车
  • 初中的时候老师给我们出了一个全是to的句子
  • [看][看]
  • 精彩[忍者狗][忍者狗][忍者狗]
  • That boy said that that that that that girl wrote on that paper is that good
  • You need to test the test of the test for the test to test your skills.
  • that boy said that that that that that girl wrote on that paper is that good
  • 中间几个一定是他结巴了
  • 英语虽然只有26个字母但是有上万条语法规则就连美国英国自己人都没搞懂这些规则
  • 1000个赞
  • 这个我们补课的时候碰到过
  • BGM名称
  • That boy said that that that that that girl wrote on that paper is that good
  • dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
  • 那个男孩说那个女孩在那张纸上写的那个很好。
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